Q: In Uremia (Choose one)?
A) PTT is prolonged, PT is normal, Platelet count normal, Bleeding time is prolonged.
B) PTT is prolonged, PT is normal, Platelet count is decreased, Bleeding time is normal
C) PTT is normal, PT is normal, Platelet count is decreased, Bleeding time is prolonged
D) PTT is prolonged, PT is prolonged, Platelet count is decreased, Bleeding time is normal
E) PTT is normal, PT is normal, Platelet count is normal, Bleeding time is prolonged
Answer is E
Uremia causes dysfuntion of platelet but there is no decrease in numbers. Uremia does not effect PT and PTT - so only bleeding time is prolonged.
Recommended Reading: (click) Evidence-based treatment recommendations for uremic bleeding: Stephanie J Hedges and coll., - Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology (2007) 3, 138-153